Two boys. A prince from a fairy tale & the only child of a King and a Queen. A kid from the inner city & the only son of Polish immigrants. Both boys need to leave home. Both are out in the night. Both are looking to find golden opportunities. When they meet, a riot breaks out.

We worked with Awake Projects and The Northwall on this great show, developing and building its multi-screen video design and short promo.  

WRITER: Lucy Maycock
DIRECTORS:: Christopher Sivertsen and Lucy Maycock
VIDEO DESIGN: Matt Smith (VIDEOfeet)
LIGHTING: Maria Klochkova
MUSIC: Maria Sendow and Hannah Björck

WINNER: Stockholm Fringe Festival Audience Award

“The projection artist, Matt Smith, creates beautiful scenes of forests, urban construction and endless water, whilst the stage in front is left clear, facilitating bountiful physical activity. Behind the vertical fabric screens lies a scaffold that actors vault up during the performance. At times a jungle gym, at times a container, it's a brilliant way of allowing clean, urban movement.”  A Younger Theatre

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Photographs 1 and 2 © Ashley Good
Photographs 3-5 © Siv Sivertsen